Welcome to the online version of our Heavy-Duty And Decorative Traverse Curtain Rods guide. We've converted our popular eBook to online format so you can access specific sections easily and bookmark areas of interest. Of course, you can still download the guide in eBook format or get a printed hard-copy of the guide anytime from our website.
It seems that custom curtain rods are always a difficult product for new designers and consumers to understand, probably because of the numerous options, configurations and drapery styles. Our guide will walk you through the anatomy of a curtain rod and decorative traverse rod and explain the differences between drapery rods made for pinch-pleat curtains and ripplefold (ripplefold is a trademark of Kirsch Curtain Rods). Plus, we'll give you a great installation primer.
And, so it's easier to reference during installation, our online Curtain Rod Guide is mobile friendly. Thanks to everyone who requested the additions!
Throughout this guide, you'll see example images illustrating a feature or component. We'll be using images of Decorative Traverse Rods and Heavy-Duty Curtain Rods interchangeably. Typically, the only difference between these two rod types is the decorative fascia. A Decorative Traverse Rod is simply a Heavy-Duty Curtain Rod with fascia attached to the front.
The example images in this guide are Computer Generated Images (CGI) and are not intended to represent any particular brand, finish, style or color.
Always defer to your Interior Designer, Drapery Maker or Drapery Installer. The information in this guide is not meant to replace the advice of your Window Covering Professional.
This publication is intended to be used as a reference guide for the selection and installation of Decorative Traverse Rods and Heavy-Duty Curtain Rods. Every effort was made to ensure the accuracy of the information provided. But, since specifications are subject to change, Designer Drapery Hardware, LLC shall not be held liable for improper installation, operation or functionality of any product installed using the information provided in this reference guide. Designer Drapery Hardware, LLC disclaims liability for any inaccuracies or omissions and makes no warranty or representation, either implied or expressed, with respect to the performance, quality, merchantability or fitness of a particular product for any particular purpose. No part of this guide, including images, may be reproduced without consent. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. "Ripplefold" is a trademark of Kirsch Drapery Hardware.