Heavy-Duty Curtain Rods And Decorative Traverse Drapery Rods Are A Professional Grade Product
Each rod is made just for you - to your exact specifications,
for your specific drapery style and for your
precise mounting location. Since each rod is totally
unique, we aren't able to provide you with
pre-printed installation
Most of the time, you'll find that Heavy-Duty and
Decorative Traverse Rods install just like "regular"
curtain rods and the installation process is self
evident. But, if your window treatment is complex,
you may need to hire a professional Drapery Installer
to hang your rod for you.
We're always happy to help you out when you contact us, but we're not going to be able to talk you through
a custom installation over the phone. You really need on-site assistance. So, if the basic installation steps
outlined in this guide leave you "scratching your head", it's time to call a Drapery Installer.
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"I Just Opened My Boxes And You Didn't Send Mounting Screws For The Brackets!
Are You Trying To Be Cheapskates By Not Sending Screws?"
No, we're not trying to be cheapskates, we just don't want your treatment to
fall down because we sent you the wrong type of screw for your mounting
surface. You need wood screws if installing into studs, the properly certified
and weight tested hollow-wall anchor (not those plastic push-in ones) for
drywall, masonry screws and toggles for block, etc. Visit your local hardware
store to find the right screw for your mounting surface.