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Orion 6 Foot 3/4" Diameter Square Hollow Drapery Rod

$83.16 Each
Selected Color: A14 - Black
$83.16 Each
Selected Color: A19 - Brown
$83.16 Each
Selected Color: A09 - Light Brown
$103.95 Each
Selected Color: B34 - Oil Rubbed Bronze
$103.95 Each
Selected Color: B35 - Metal Ore
$103.95 Each
Selected Color: B33 - Pure White
$103.95 Each
Selected Color: B32 - Ivory
$103.95 Each
Selected Color: B20 - Antique White
$103.95 Each
Selected Color: B17 - Burnt Silver
$103.95 Each
Selected Color: B15 - Bronze Vecchio
$103.95 Each
Selected Color: B13 - Soft Pewter
$103.95 Each
Selected Color: B10 - Antique Copper
$103.95 Each
Selected Color: B07 - Rich Gold
$103.95 Each
Selected Color: B06 - Antique Gold
$103.95 Each
Selected Color: B04 - Rusty
$103.95 Each
Selected Color: B03 - Naturalle
$103.95 Each
Selected Color: B02 - Antique Bronze
$103.95 Each
Selected Color: B01 - Old Black
$103.95 Each
Selected Color: B12 - New Nickel
$117.81 Each
Selected Color: C25 - Burnt Gold
$117.81 Each
Selected Color: C29 - Golden Oak
$117.81 Each
Selected Color: C28 - Vecchio Patina
$117.81 Each
Selected Color: C27 - Cherry Gold
$117.81 Each
Selected Color: C26 - Bronze Patina
$117.81 Each
Selected Color: C24 - Sage Gold
$117.81 Each
Selected Color: C18 - Renaissance Silver
$117.81 Each
Selected Color: C16 - Gold Antique White
$117.81 Each
Selected Color: C11 - Versace
$124.74 Each
Selected Color: D05 - Autumn
$124.74 Each
Selected Color: D08 - Imposter
$124.74 Each
Selected Color: D21 - Crackle
$124.74 Each
Selected Color: D22 - Antique Crackle
$124.74 Each
Selected Color: D23 - Mocha Mix
$124.74 Each
Selected Color: D30 - Warm Cherry
$124.74 Each
Selected Color: D31 - Sugar Maple
Orion 6 Foot 3/4" Diameter Square Hollow Drapery Rod Color Option Black
Orion 6 Foot 3/4" Diameter Square Hollow Drapery Rod Color Option Brown
Orion 6 Foot 3/4" Diameter Square Hollow Drapery Rod Color Option Light Brown
Light Brown
Orion 6 Foot 3/4" Diameter Square Hollow Drapery Rod Color Option Oil Rubbed Bronze
Oil Rubbed Bronze
Orion 6 Foot 3/4" Diameter Square Hollow Drapery Rod Color Option Metal Ore
Metal Ore
Orion 6 Foot 3/4" Diameter Square Hollow Drapery Rod Color Option Pure White
Pure White
Orion 6 Foot 3/4" Diameter Square Hollow Drapery Rod Color Option Ivory
Orion 6 Foot 3/4" Diameter Square Hollow Drapery Rod Color Option Antique White
Antique White
Orion 6 Foot 3/4" Diameter Square Hollow Drapery Rod Color Option Burnt Silver
Burnt Silver
Orion 6 Foot 3/4" Diameter Square Hollow Drapery Rod Color Option Bronze Vecchio
Bronze Vecchio
Orion 6 Foot 3/4" Diameter Square Hollow Drapery Rod Color Option Soft Pewter
Soft Pewter
Orion 6 Foot 3/4" Diameter Square Hollow Drapery Rod Color Option Antique Copper
Antique Copper
Orion 6 Foot 3/4" Diameter Square Hollow Drapery Rod Color Option Rich Gold
Rich Gold
Orion 6 Foot 3/4" Diameter Square Hollow Drapery Rod Color Option Antique Gold
Antique Gold
Orion 6 Foot 3/4" Diameter Square Hollow Drapery Rod Color Option Rusty
Orion 6 Foot 3/4" Diameter Square Hollow Drapery Rod Color Option Naturalle
Orion 6 Foot 3/4" Diameter Square Hollow Drapery Rod Color Option Antique Bronze
Antique Bronze
Orion 6 Foot 3/4" Diameter Square Hollow Drapery Rod Color Option Old Black
Old Black
Orion 6 Foot 3/4" Diameter Square Hollow Drapery Rod Color Option New Nickel
New Nickel
Orion 6 Foot 3/4" Diameter Square Hollow Drapery Rod Color Option Burnt Gold
Burnt Gold
Orion 6 Foot 3/4" Diameter Square Hollow Drapery Rod Color Option Golden Oak
Golden Oak
Orion 6 Foot 3/4" Diameter Square Hollow Drapery Rod Color Option Vecchio Patina
Vecchio Patina
Orion 6 Foot 3/4" Diameter Square Hollow Drapery Rod Color Option Cherry Gold
Cherry Gold
Orion 6 Foot 3/4" Diameter Square Hollow Drapery Rod Color Option Bronze Patina
Bronze Patina
Orion 6 Foot 3/4" Diameter Square Hollow Drapery Rod Color Option Sage Gold
Sage Gold
Orion 6 Foot 3/4" Diameter Square Hollow Drapery Rod Color Option Renaissance Silver
Renaissance Silver
Orion 6 Foot 3/4" Diameter Square Hollow Drapery Rod Color Option Gold Antique White
Gold Antique White
Orion 6 Foot 3/4" Diameter Square Hollow Drapery Rod Color Option Versace
Orion 6 Foot 3/4" Diameter Square Hollow Drapery Rod Color Option Autumn
Orion 6 Foot 3/4" Diameter Square Hollow Drapery Rod Color Option Imposter
Orion 6 Foot 3/4" Diameter Square Hollow Drapery Rod Color Option Crackle
Orion 6 Foot 3/4" Diameter Square Hollow Drapery Rod Color Option Antique Crackle
Antique Crackle
Orion 6 Foot 3/4" Diameter Square Hollow Drapery Rod Color Option Mocha Mix
Mocha Mix
Orion 6 Foot 3/4" Diameter Square Hollow Drapery Rod Color Option Warm Cherry
Warm Cherry
Orion 6 Foot 3/4" Diameter Square Hollow Drapery Rod Color Option Sugar Maple
Sugar Maple
Cut To Custom Size (From 48 To 72 Inches)

Product Information

This item is non-returnable. Orion Iron Art drapery rods are custom painted just for you after you order them. Only Orion rings, brackets, accessories and finials will work with Iron Art rods because each rod will be made to fit the accessories you order with it. Rod sizes over 8 feet will be shipped in two sections with a connector. Decorative drapery hardware components are specifically manufactured to be used with items from their own collection. Even if the sizes are the same or similar, do not attempt to use this item with non-same brand or non-same collection components. Every computer screen displays colors differently, we do not guarantee a match to the color you're seeing on your screen. Wood Poles that are cut to size before shipping may have minor chipping on the cut ends extending 1/8" to 1/4" from the edge. The collar of the finial or end cap will cover this area. If joining poles, use the factory edges in the center.
3/4" Iron Art
Packaged As:
Hollow Core Extruded Metal
Collection Pole Diameter:
Usually Ships In:
20 To 30 Business Days
Return Policy:
Non-Returnable (item is either Special Order or Customized)
Fascia Seam Cover
Sizes & Measurements
Size Key:
Diagram is not meant to represent the exact item you are viewing; only the generic type of item. All referenced sizes may not be availble for every item.
Returns & Color Matching
Non-Returnable Item This item is either Special Order; or, a customizable item which can not be returned. You're guaranteed to receive the exact item you ordered; made and finished correctly. But, you can't send it back if you decide you don't want it anymore.
Order A Sample To Compare Colors Every device displays colors differently. We do not guarantee a match to the color you are seeing on your screen. Order a sample for an accurate color comparison.
Shipping Damage Or Manufacturing Defects You do not need to create a Return Authorization for a damaged or defective item. Instead, create a Problem Report on your My Account Home Screen and we'll replace the item for you.
Color Variation Between Items When you hold pieces in your hand, you may notice color variation because different materials take paint or stain differently. These variances blend together and dissapear once your treatment is installed in your window.
Product Downloads & Helpful Links
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Configure Your Orion 3/4" Iron Art Treatment Instantly!
Orion 3/4" Iron Art Virtual Designer Mode
  • Standard Straight Pole Treatments
  • Bay Windows & Corner Windows
  • All Colors & Finials Available
  • We'll Suggest Cut Sizes, Bracket & Ring Counts
  • The Easiest Way To Order Your Drapery Rods!
Decorator Sample Kit
Sample Kit
Samples Orion Sample Book


Samples are refundable (less shipping) when you send them back to us when you're finished!
Every device and monitor displayes colors differently. We can not guarantee a match to the color you are seeing on your screen.
Orion 6 Foot 3/4" Diameter Square Hollow Drapery Rod Color Option Sugar Maple
A14 - Black
Orion 6 Foot 3/4" Diameter Square Hollow Drapery Rod Color Option Sugar Maple
A19 - Brown
Orion 6 Foot 3/4" Diameter Square Hollow Drapery Rod Color Option Sugar Maple
A09 - Light Brown
Orion 6 Foot 3/4" Diameter Square Hollow Drapery Rod Color Option Sugar Maple
B34 - Oil Rubbed Bronze
Orion 6 Foot 3/4" Diameter Square Hollow Drapery Rod Color Option Sugar Maple
B35 - Metal Ore
Orion 6 Foot 3/4" Diameter Square Hollow Drapery Rod Color Option Sugar Maple
B33 - Pure White
Orion 6 Foot 3/4" Diameter Square Hollow Drapery Rod Color Option Sugar Maple
B32 - Ivory
Orion 6 Foot 3/4" Diameter Square Hollow Drapery Rod Color Option Sugar Maple
B20 - Antique White
Orion 6 Foot 3/4" Diameter Square Hollow Drapery Rod Color Option Sugar Maple
B17 - Burnt Silver
Orion 6 Foot 3/4" Diameter Square Hollow Drapery Rod Color Option Sugar Maple
B15 - Bronze Vecchio
Orion 6 Foot 3/4" Diameter Square Hollow Drapery Rod Color Option Sugar Maple
B13 - Soft Pewter
Orion 6 Foot 3/4" Diameter Square Hollow Drapery Rod Color Option Sugar Maple
B10 - Antique Copper
Orion 6 Foot 3/4" Diameter Square Hollow Drapery Rod Color Option Sugar Maple
B07 - Rich Gold
Orion 6 Foot 3/4" Diameter Square Hollow Drapery Rod Color Option Sugar Maple
B06 - Antique Gold
Orion 6 Foot 3/4" Diameter Square Hollow Drapery Rod Color Option Sugar Maple
B04 - Rusty
Orion 6 Foot 3/4" Diameter Square Hollow Drapery Rod Color Option Sugar Maple
B03 - Naturalle
Orion 6 Foot 3/4" Diameter Square Hollow Drapery Rod Color Option Sugar Maple
B02 - Antique Bronze
Orion 6 Foot 3/4" Diameter Square Hollow Drapery Rod Color Option Sugar Maple
B01 - Old Black
Orion 6 Foot 3/4" Diameter Square Hollow Drapery Rod Color Option Sugar Maple
B12 - New Nickel
Orion 6 Foot 3/4" Diameter Square Hollow Drapery Rod Color Option Sugar Maple
C25 - Burnt Gold
Orion 6 Foot 3/4" Diameter Square Hollow Drapery Rod Color Option Sugar Maple
C29 - Golden Oak
Orion 6 Foot 3/4" Diameter Square Hollow Drapery Rod Color Option Sugar Maple
C28 - Vecchio Patina
Orion 6 Foot 3/4" Diameter Square Hollow Drapery Rod Color Option Sugar Maple
C27 - Cherry Gold
Orion 6 Foot 3/4" Diameter Square Hollow Drapery Rod Color Option Sugar Maple
C26 - Bronze Patina
Orion 6 Foot 3/4" Diameter Square Hollow Drapery Rod Color Option Sugar Maple
C24 - Sage Gold
Orion 6 Foot 3/4" Diameter Square Hollow Drapery Rod Color Option Sugar Maple
C18 - Renaissance Silver
Orion 6 Foot 3/4" Diameter Square Hollow Drapery Rod Color Option Sugar Maple
C16 - Gold Antique White
Orion 6 Foot 3/4" Diameter Square Hollow Drapery Rod Color Option Sugar Maple
C11 - Versace
Orion 6 Foot 3/4" Diameter Square Hollow Drapery Rod Color Option Sugar Maple
D05 - Autumn
Orion 6 Foot 3/4" Diameter Square Hollow Drapery Rod Color Option Sugar Maple
D08 - Imposter
Orion 6 Foot 3/4" Diameter Square Hollow Drapery Rod Color Option Sugar Maple
D21 - Crackle
Orion 6 Foot 3/4" Diameter Square Hollow Drapery Rod Color Option Sugar Maple
D22 - Antique Crackle
Orion 6 Foot 3/4" Diameter Square Hollow Drapery Rod Color Option Sugar Maple
D23 - Mocha Mix
Orion 6 Foot 3/4" Diameter Square Hollow Drapery Rod Color Option Sugar Maple
D30 - Warm Cherry
Orion 6 Foot 3/4" Diameter Square Hollow Drapery Rod Color Option Sugar Maple
D31 - Sugar Maple