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Drapery Hardware Knowledge Base

Five Small Changes To A Room That Can Make A Huge Difference Published In: Design Tips

Do you have a room in your house that could do with a facelift but don't have the budget or the time for a complete remodel? You'll be glad to know that effective ways exist to enhance indoor living spaces without making a commitment to a complete... (Keep Reading)

Window Treatments Throughout The Ages Published In: General

Window treatments have been a way of life for all walks of life for a very long time. Regardless of rich or poor, it almost seems obscene to leave a window undressed.  Enhancing rooms with a bit of color and texture can change four clinging wall... (Keep Reading)

Four Popular Drapery Materials And How To Clean Them Published In: Design Tips

Your drapes play an important role in the interior design of your home. Beautiful drapes will catch the eye of everyone who enters. But what do you do when those beautiful drapes get dirty? Unfortunately, most people cannot afford to run out ... (Keep Reading)

Five Ways To Improve Your Curb Appeal Published In: Design Tips

Curb appeal, or what your house looks like from the street, can make you proud to come home every day, make visitors want to step into your spaces, and encourage buyers to make offers when you put your abode up for sale. You can improve your hom... (Keep Reading)

Six Tips For Making The Most Of Your Natural Lighting Published In: Design Tips

Knowing how to utilize natural lighting effectively for your home not only brightens your rooms, but also could lead to saving money on your energy bills. You may think that to increase the amount of sunlight that comes into your home that you m... (Keep Reading)

Five Interior Design Projects To Take On Yourself Published In: Design Tips

Small changes can bring dramatic results when it come to interior design. If you have the creativity and confidence to tackle a DIY project, you can save money and end up with exactly what you want. With some planning and background research, yo... (Keep Reading)

Three Tips For Improving Your Interior Design Photos Published In: Design Tips

As an interior designer, you put a lot of time and effort into the work you provide to your clients.  One of the key components to your job would be your portfolio and website. Many of your clients will want to visit your site and look at pictu... (Keep Reading)

Home Renovation Projects To Take On This Summer Published In: Design Tips

If you’re looking to give your residence a fresh update for the summer months, there are plenty of great home renovation project ideas out there to consider. Guests are sure to be impressed by these dazzling home improvement options. Bat... (Keep Reading)

Select Select 8 Foot Smooth 3/4" Diameter Metal Drapery Rod
Select Select 8 Foot Smooth 3/4" Diameter Metal Drap...
From $150.30
Orion 3" Return Bypass Bracket (Requires Orion 1" Italian Poles & Bypass Rings To Function)
Orion 3" Return Bypass Bracket (Requires Orion 1" It...
From $60.06
Orion 4 Foot 1 1/2" Diameter Round Hollow Heavy Gauge Drapery Rod
Orion 4 Foot 1 1/2" Diameter Round Hollow Heavy Gaug...
From $143.22
Kirsch Elmore 8 Foot 1 3/8" Smooth Complete Drapery Rod Set
Kirsch Elmore 8 Foot 1 3/8" Smooth Complete Drapery ...
Orion Finial 556 4 Foot 3/4" Rope Solid Complete Drapery Rod Set
Orion Finial 556 4 Foot 3/4" Rope Solid Complete Dra...
From $337.26